Curriculum Vitae


Complete List

Books and Reports

10 Recent in French

10 Recent in English

Work in Progress


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Last Update: 2024-07-07

Pataclop Création Pataclop Création (2004-2024)

Gilbert CETTE

10 Recent Publications in English




« The Circular Relationship Between Productivity and Hours Worked: A long-Term Analysis »
(with Simon Drapala and Jimmy Lopez)
Comparative Economic Studies, no 65, pp. 650-664, December 2023.


« Productivity Growth and Real Interest Rates: A Circular Relationship »
(with Antonin Bergeaud and Rémy Lecat)
in The Economics of Creative Destruction, Ufuk Akcigit and John Van Reenen (eds,
Harvard University Press, Chapter 11, pp. 306-331, 2023.


« The Impact of ICTs and Digitalization on Productivity and Labor Share: Evidence from French Firms »
(with Sandra Nevoux and Loriane Py)
Economics of Innovations and New Technologies (EINT), vol. 3, no 8, pp. 669-692, 2022.


« The Contribution of Robots to Productivity Growth in 30 OECD Countries Over 1975-2019 »
(with Aurélien Devillard and Vincenzo Spiezia)
Economics Letters, vol. 200, March 2021.


« Labor Share »
(with Lorraine Koehl and Thomas Philippon)

Economics Letters
, vol. 188, March 2020.


« The Inverted-U Relationship Between Credit Access and Productivity Growth »

(with Philippe Aghion, Antonin Bergeaud, Remy Lecat and Hélène Maghin),

Economica, no 86, pp. 1-31, 2019.


« Rent Creation and Rent Sharing: New Measures and Impact on Total Factor Productivity »
(with Jimmy Lopez and Jacques Mairesse)
Economic Inquiry
, vol. 57, no 4, pp. 1915-1938, October 2019.


« Rent Sharing and Worker Bargaining Power: A Panel Country-Industry Empirical Analysis »
(with Philippe Askenazy and Paul Maarek),
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol. 120, no 2, pp. 563-596, 2018.


« The Pre-Great Recession Slowdown in Productivity »

(with John Fernald and Benoît Mojon),

European Economic Review, vol. 88, pp. 3-20, September 2016.


« Market Regulations, Prices and Productivity »
ith Jimmy Lopez and Jacques Mairesse),

American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, vol. 106, no 5, pp. 104-108, May 2016.